Start the Journey
Every student has their own set of skills and abilities. The college planning process is all about recognizing your passions, nurturing them, and then selecting institutions that will allow you to pursue those passions further.
Expect Results
Our Program Helps Students Build A Pathway to Success.
Successful college preparation begins by assisting students explore their passions and determining what they are greatest at. College preparation entails conducting research, developing possible college lists, selecting the appropriate classes, and understanding which paperwork to fill out and submitting them on time.
College Application Packages
There are two reasons why completing an application is so important: being accepted and receiving merit-based financial aid. At Premier we can help you every step of the way!

University of California Application Package
Five 1-on-1 MEETINGS.

Private University Common Application Package
Four 1-on-1 MEETINGS for 1st School.

California State Universities Package
Three 1-on-1 MEETINGS.